Force Majeure
Provocative and internationally acclaimed director Ruben Östlund brings to the audience chilly psychological study of modern family. After narrative dramas (The Guitar Mongoloid and Involuntary) and alarming image of children bullying (Play), in which director explores human behaviour at the range of social rules with a bitter humor, now he steps even further. In Force Majeure, Östlund reflects human’s behaviour in unexpected and dangerous situations, where a primitive instinct to survive dominates. A Swedish family travels to the French Alps to enjoy a few days of skiing and spend some precious time with each other. The sun is shining and the slopes are spectacular but, during a lunch at a mountainside restaurant, an avalanche turns everything upside down. Ebba tries to protect their children and desperately calls for her husband Tomas who in panic is running for his life. Reality returns to embarrass laughter, the anticipated disaster having failed to occur, and yet the family’s world has been shaken to its core. Tomas and Ebba’s marriage hangs in the balance, Tomas internally struggles with his failure and tries to make anything to re-establish his shaken role of father. Force Majeure is an existential drama about the traditional roles of men and women in modern family life and their mutual expectations that emerge from them. For his movie, Ruben Östlund received Un Certain Regard Jury Prize and a nomination for Un Certain Regard Award at Cannes Film Festival 2014. This festival section is set for directors who try to create the most original testimony and expressional poetics in their films. IFF Cannes 2014 - Un Certain Regard Jury Prize
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Provocative and internationally acclaimed director Ruben Östlund brings to the audience chilly psychological study of modern family. After narrative dramas (The Guitar Mongoloid and Involuntary) and alarming image of children bullying (Play), in which director explores human behaviour at the range of social rules with a bitter humor, now he steps even further. In Force Majeure, Östlund reflects human’s behaviour in unexpected and dangerous situations, where a primitive instinct to survive dominates.
A Swedish family travels to the French Alps to enjoy a few days of skiing and spend some precious time with each other. The sun is shining and the slopes are spectacular but, during a lunch at a mountainside restaurant, an avalanche turns everything upside down. Ebba tries to protect their children and desperately calls for her husband Tomas who in panic is running for his life. Reality returns to embarrass laughter, the anticipated disaster having failed to occur, and yet the family’s world has been shaken to its core. Tomas and Ebba’s marriage hangs in the balance, Tomas internally struggles with his failure and tries to make anything to re-establish his shaken role of father.
Force Majeure is an existential drama about the traditional roles of men and women in modern family life and their mutual expectations that emerge from them. For his movie, Ruben Östlund received Un Certain Regard Jury Prize and a nomination for Un Certain Regard Award at Cannes Film Festival 2014. This festival section is set for directors who try to create the most original testimony and expressional poetics in their films.
IFF Cannes 2014 - Un Certain Regard Jury Prize